It Finally Happened

Well, after 10+ years of knowing it could happen, after telling management last year that I was concerned it might happen- with them telling me “don’t worry about”… Today it finally happened. The ceiling above my shower / tub install fell. It was a bad patch job to begin with.
Luckily, I habitually keep the shower curtain closed. So, all of the debris was contained in the tub. Sadly, I now have a gaping hole in my ceiling- and I can see the plumbing of the tub upstairs.
The debris is soaked. It came apart in my hands as I moved it into a trash bag. Perhaps there was a leak upstairs. If so, it’s either a big one or has been collecting for some time. One good thing is that I do not see any signs of mold.
The new management is going to love me. It hasn’t been long since the end of more than 2 months of hassles over the broken dishwasher- now this. It leaves me wondering if I should tell them about the short in the ceiling fan. Lovely, ain’t it?
This apartment complex is old, tired, and falling apart from the inside out.

Changing of Plans

Do you ever get that feeling? You know, that you might be in the wrong place? I’m talking about where you live. It just doesn’t seem like where you’re at- you’re not getting anywhere, zero to little progress in life. Maybe you feel stalled or like you’re treading water. The wheels are spinning but you’re not moving forward.

That’s about how I feel this passed week. At least, since that phone call telling me that the class I signed up for was pulled from the schedule. The class I really wanted was full, in all slots. To make things mushy, I took a more in depth look at the catalog for the school I plan to transfer to (another community college) and saved for 2 or 3 classes- they have what I’m looking for. Kirkwood even has a much larger selection of courses in creative writing. WITCC has one.

This leads me to feeling like I’m at the wrong school! Save for those few classes.

I have 18 transferable credits to date. I need 64 / 65 to earn my Associates of Arts – English degree.

With things as they are it seems to make sense that I move across state for Kirkwood. I’m going to shoot for the courses I need that WIT has / Kirkwood doesn’t, Then, save my money for the move East to the Cedar Rapids area.

This is assuming the classes are / will be on schedule with openings.

HUM 101 Intro to Humanities

SOC 250 Sociology of Deviance

And I need to repeat

LIT 101 Introduction to Lit

Creative writing- science fiction is not taught at either school

Hopefully this will be the last time I need to adjust / change my plans.