I have kept mostly quiet until now. I think this needs to be said because I feel like there are groups out there about to and wanting to trample on my Constitutional Rights. For decades people cried for separation of church and state. They wanted the church out of the government. The opposite however was pretty much a non-issue. They barked about “separation of church and state!”

Well, today it is. Following the SCOTUS’ decision on marriage- there are those who are now demanding that the church be considered a political entity and therefore must lose the tax exempt status. THIS IS WRONG!!

What’s happening is hypocritical. You cannot demand the church stand down from political issues and then demand that the church be considered a political entity. To add salt to the injury- I’ve not seen anyone hold issue with the state putting its collective noses into the business of the church. Again- this is hypocritical.

The church- no matter what religion it’s affiliated with is NOT a political entity. It is a RELIGIOUS entity.

Why don’t these barkers just admit that what they want is an abolishment of the church? They won’t admit this because the US Constitution protects the freedom OF religion- not FROM it. This includes the right / choice not to worship.

That’s the bottom line for these people- They, much like a number of the atheists, want freedom FROM religion. That’s their right to have until they encroach on the rights of others who do want religion. They only care about what THEY want- no one else. And they will continue to push, and bully, and bark until they get what they want.

They need to be stopped- the time has come for the people to take a stand and say ENOUGH!

The Constitution protects people’s right to the religion of their choice, of the right to worship…..


And that is what these heathens are doing.

It is a violation of the rights of others. Perhaps they forget that their rights END where another’s begins. Think of this akin to personal space. For this comparison I’m using 3 feet.

Personal space is typically the radius of the body- that’s 3 feet around any one person. When this space overlaps between people- they are in each others personal space. With the exclusion of crowded spaces or lines- it’s generally understood that one must be ‘invited or welcomed’ into someone personal space- otherwise it’s seen as an intrusion.

This is why we have laws that protect our rights. Just as personal space is a measure around a person- there are laws to protect the freedom and liberty of our RIGHTS. And that includes religion.

I am a Baptist. I believe in the separation of church and state. I believe in the individuals right to choice and freedom OF religion. While I disagree with the Congressional ruling- I will respect a person’s rights. I ask the same in return. Sadly, I am not seeing this. What I see is people with an agenda to trample on the rights given to us by our forefathers. These people now have a law that allows them what they want and they want to take away the laws meant to protect people’s beliefs.

The emotional part of me says “what’s happening is that in their goal to come out of the closet- they are wanting to push religious people into the closet.”

They call it progress. This is NOT the sign of progress or of a maturing society. It is the sign of chaos.

Heidi Harris was right- these people don’t want equality. They want supremacy. And in that they want dominance.

This is my response to this article:

Western Journalism Article

Here’s a link to a friend’s pastor and what he has to say.

Rainy Days & Writing

It’s a beautiful rainy day. What’s so beautiful about this? The peace and quiet.

For the last week or two a crew has been diligently working to replace the facade roofs of the buildings in my complex. This is a noisy task indeed. And as I’ve mentioned in the past children like screech and screen while they run and play outside. On a normal day it is very noisy here.

The rain changes this. Children stay indoors to play and construction crews take the day off. I don’t question how or why, I am just thankful that the magic of rain subdues people- especially children. A peaceful rain brings peace and stillness to the complex. Even the cats are affected as they are more prone to sleeping and lounging.

Selfishly I think “it’s a perfect day for writing.”