The PCOS Diet Plan

“A Natural Approach to Health for Woman with Polycystic Overy Syndrome”

written by Hillary Wright, M.Ed. RD
Forward by Alice Domar, Ph.D.
Director of Mind/ Body Services at Boston IVF

September is PCOS Awareness Month- so I thought it appropriate to share this. I was diagnosed over 10 years ago.

I had my eye on this book for some time. Ath3na gifted it to me in Aug 2015. It’s one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. The PCOS Diet Plan is filled with detailed and well-researched information. In my opinion, Any woman with this condition should invest in a copy of this book.

Wright takes care to simplify her explanations and offers comparables to help understand her research. She makes it easy to under this syndrome, how to manage to live with it. She specifically delves into how to prevent conditions that women with PCOS are at greater risk for developing. Conditions like diabetes and heart decease.

Knowledge is power! If you have PCOS or know someone who does- and have lots of questions- this is THE BOOK to start with. Make this the first book in your arsenal against PCOS.

Thank you Ath3na, I am forever grateful to you.

Paperback- currently $ 12,26



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