Taking a Break from Society

So here’s the why- this last week has been a bad one. While I’m trying to focus on my writing, I’ve got people needling me about BS from left and right. I’ve come to one determination- there’s only one way to prove that I can make progress on my writing to prove where the stress is coming from that I’m enduring.. And that’s to take a break from society. This includes both in-person and social media. One week of just me, my cat Athena and my writings. Unless something major happens that I have to share- I’ll be back on the 4th to let you all know how things went.

The Body Diet

First, I have struggled with my weight since I hit puberty. I have this hormone problem called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It causes a lot of problems and if not dealt with it can lead to things like diabetes or worse.

On to the diet- First, for years, it was The Debt Diet, then last month I started with the Writer’s Planner-at the same time I also started The Body Diet!

I had decided that 2018 was going to be my year. The year I make progress in my writing, the year I concur my budget to save, and the year I fight back against the PCOS. I am tired of getting my butt kicked- so this year I’m finally fighting back.

So far I’ve made considerable progress in my writing, I’ve made headway with my finances allowing me to save for my move. And today, I learned that I’ve lost 10 pounds!

For the last 30 days I have been on the GNC Total Lean diet plan. This is a meal replacement shake diet. Two shakes a day with one square meal. It doesn’t matter when you have the meal as long as the other two are shakes. I like breakfast foods so this was a no brainer for me. Sure, it sounds like Slim Fast but there are major differences. There are more nutrients in the GNC products, it’s more filling, and after drinking one, I don’t have that craving to grab something sweet and sugary- ala CARBS- unlike I did with Slim Fast. Don’t get me wrong, I’m NOT saying that this is what will happen if you use Slim Fast- I’m saying that this is what happened with me with it.

GNC Total Lean appears to be the diet for me. I love the flavors. There’s French Vanilla, Banana, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Mixed Berry, Orange Cream, Rich Chocolate, Snickerdoodle, Cookies N Cream, and Shamrock Cream.

I have tried the: French Vanilla, Banana,  Mixed Berry, Orange Cream, Rich Chocolate, Cookies N Cream, and Shamrock Cream.

Most people mix them with water. I tried this and it didn’t appeal to me. I tried orange juice with the Orange Cream and 1 % milk with the others and I’m hooked. I’m thinking about trying the French Vanilla with Orange Juice- see how that tastes.

I really think that I’ve found the diet for me.

There are no quick fixes, and no one diet will work for everyone. People and their bodies are not cookie cutter designs- so, if you’re trying to lose weight talk with your doctor- get full physical exam and have your blood work done. Know your levels with cholesterol etc. Look into things like alternative exercises. I’m looking into Tai Chi, meditation, and I’ve found a stationary bike that I like.

The key is that you have to find what works for you- both with your body and your wallet.

To everyone who is trying to lose weight, thinking about it, or needs to- I wish everyone of you the very best of luck- and may you find what works for YOU.

What’s Missing From My Planner

I’ve noticed something is missing from my writer’s planner. Through all the suggestions of encouragement, positive reinforcement and identifying the negative internal dialogue, there’s no mention of how to deal with the external negativity.

How does one deal with the discouragement, anti-support, negative comments, and sabotage from other people? This is my biggest problem, not the internal dialogue but the negative influence of others.

I recognize the reality of those who treat me with this negativity. Often they are those who have either failed in their own plans and dreams or ended up giving up, quitting on themselves. It’s not personal towards me, they treat everyone this way.

So far the worst has been people discouraging me with my writing, having never read anything I wrote- AND – people who think I should give up my dream of a college education. How dare they! Just because they, themselves, didn’t do it, or they flunked out of one college or another- does NOT give them the right to sway others to join them in their pool of misery.

I would be grateful for suggestions from others.

Fussing With My Writer’s Planner

I think I’m done fussing around with my Writer’s Planner. I’ve been tweaking it to make it my own. I haven’t taken anything away from it sans the calendar. What I’ve done is add things to it. For example: the original has pages dedicated to listing things to treat yourself with. I added a page to track me treats- so I don’t repeat myself. I also added an Achievements page. This way I can look back and see what I’ve done. A reminder for those times when I’m feeling like a slug and wonder if I’m making any progress.

Of all the planners I’ve seen, I think I like this one the best. This is not because it came from IFW or because it was free. It’s because I can tweak it to add things that I feel I need.  I’m satisfied for now, although, I won’t be surprised if something comes to mind that I’d want to add.

That said, I have kept the original PDF as well as the file I created from it. Plus I’m keeping a copy of the one I made adjustments to. I have also created files specific for each quarter. This is so that any year 2018 I can just open the file and save it to new and I’m good to go for that quarter. Sure, I might have to make some minor tweak, but not so much so since I took the calendar out. I set this to its own file. It’s just easier for me, this way.

I do honestly believe that I am going to enjoy working with this planner. It’s the  start of week 6 and I’m off to a good start. It’s like Jerry Doyle used to say “your attitude controls your altitude.” It’s a pilot’s saying but it can apply to your emotional and mental attitude just as easily as a plane’s.

Thank you IFW, I needed this.

Institute for Writers

Formerly known as Long Ridge Writers Group- Institute for Writers has existed since 1989. Their programs are designed to help writers hone their skills in fiction and nonfiction. They have courses on writing for both adults and children. I can’t say enough about how much this program “Breaking into Print” has helped me. The 12 lesson course focuses on creating short stories and articles (fiction or nonfiction) for publication in magazines and other periodicals. I, personally, chose to create an anthology of my works. It still counts!

The school, one-on-one student mentor contact, and the ladies in the office have all been instrumental in helping to build my confidence towards this goal. So much so, that I feel I need to share my story and introduce the school to other fellow writers. Try the aptitude test for yourself- it’s free. And the program does offer an option for college credit.

What I like best about the program- the way they’re set up with sending assignments and receiving critiqued responses. It’s exactly like the real world when dealing with the publishing industry. In the beginning, I’d have to send two copies of my scripts and I’d receive one back with my mentor’s remarks and suggestions- just like an agent or editor might do. Now, they’ve changed to online submissions. Genius! And it saves on postage!

Yes, it’s costly, but well worth it when you consider the invaluable information you receive with the course manual, the collection of books, and the one-on-one mentoring with someone actually in the industry. Don’t sweat the cost though because they offer a monthly payment plan.

I could keep going but you should check it out for yourself. It is challenging but in the end it is worth it! https://www.instituteforwriters.com/