Contemplating A Title Change

As many know, I’ve been working on my series The Zodiac Chronicles for a number of years. The first piece being written back in 1998- True Family, which featured Jeff (Aries) and TJ (Taurus),

Why it hasn’t been published yet is a different issue, It’s probably a good thing at this point. In the last few years, I’ve discovered and been shown other works of the same title. Needless to, but I will, yes it’s feeling a bit crowded under this title.

The first one I discovered on after someone suggested I Google the title. I found The Zodiac Chronicles: The Gifts by Sasha D. Oliver

— She weaves an interesting story around vampire clans.

In 2011  I was shown an Amazon page by Inde Finfew –

The title of the book is New Beginnings (The Zodiac Chronicles Book 1)

– I’m not sure what this one is about, just that it takes place in the future and involves an ancient prophecy.

Amazon Link

Today I discovered:

In 2015 Stan Lee, yes, that Stan Lee has collaborated with others to bring us The Zodiac Legacy.

I also discovered Arya Karin’s Zodiac Binding: A Reverse Harem Novel (The Zodiac Chronicles)

– Hers is a story of magical shape-shifters

Amazon Link

Black Ties and Yellow Roses: The Zodiac Chronicles by Vivien Sass

– a classic romance story

Barnes and Noble

So, with the number of writers using The Zodiac Chronicles as part the titles to their books- question I am contemplating is- should I stick it out or change the title to my own series?

Reverse Mary Sue

So, according to the ‘Mary Sue’ litmus tests I’ve seen online- depicting your lead character as receiving a priceless, or very personal memento from another lead character (or two) is a no-no. So, I decided to do the opposite and have my lead give a gift. It’s actually something that means a great deal, sentimentally, to both her and her BFF. My logic in this- take what’s mentioned in those ‘tests’ and do the opposite. Yeah, that’ll work, right? We’ll see.

Check out this link, given to me by one of my friend Karla. Of all the Mary Sue litmus tests I’ve seen online, I prefer this one.